Which part of your body holds “THE LIFE” ? Mind from Matter

4 min readMay 20, 2021
A man looking at the sky. Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I am writing this as a person with lots of questions in my mind, and scientists still haven’t found an answer to what exactly supports life. Let me give you some different ways to look at our life in this busy world. Through this write-up, I will be asking more questions. The article is a mixture of personal view and scientific correlations. However, the subject is inconclusive.

What is life? Which part of our body hold life?

Let me try not to jump deep into theoretical science. Instead, I will try to approach the questions differently.

Do our organs hold life?

A 9mm bullet. Photo by Danilo Alvesd on Unsplash

Imagine I shoot you with a 9mm gun pointing at your body. The bullet goes through your liver. He or She can survive the shot as long the liver is not damaged heavily. As the liver is one of the two organs whose functions are irreplaceable by a machine, the other organ is the brain.

Shot in the lung?

“Don’t need to waste one bullet on that. We have corona”.

Heart and kidney can be transplanted, Lung transplant is possible, but it is expensive and the survival rate is low.

  • Even after getting shot in the brain, your heart is still pounding, and so the other organs too, but “You” as a collective individual is pronounced to be “dead”.

What if “you” are shot with one bullet in every organ?

“You” are biologically still alive !! Scary??

Humans are made of organs, organs are made of tissues, and tissues are made of cells.
Your cells are still alive.

“Death is not a sudden event, It is more of a continuous occurrence”.

It takes more than 36 hours or more for every pixel of your body to die.

  • Brain cells die within 3 minutes of no oxygen.
  • Muscle cells can survive for more than 12 hours.
  • Bone cells can withstand even more.

So what is life?

A collective group of individual organism genetically programmed to being born, live, eat, reproduce and die. Basically dying from birth slowly.

ah! what a waste!

Ok, why did I mention,

what if “you” were shot with one bullet in every organ?

Why “you”?

Image of a kid asking a question to you


  • To biology, you are made up of Cells
  • To chemistry, by Matter
  • To physics, by various Energy combined

Mind from Matter?

The timeline of universe since big bang

The big bang happened, it is the beginning of time and universe, a blast which gave birth to 92 elements. Then formed the stars, due to the gravitation of these stars, the dust and swirling gas around them has formed into rocky objects or now called planets.

Of course, I skipped a lot in between and are not in the order.

  • Matter around the universe combined together to form atoms.
  • The combination of different atomic particles led to elements such as Carbon ( C ), Hydrogen ( H ) and Nitrogen ( N ).
  • The elements combined to form compounds such as H2O(water — 2 parts of Hydrogen and 1 part of Oxygen) and CO2(carbon-di-oxide).

Why do elements combine with themselves or others?

They are unstable themselves, so they combine with nearby element to form a stable bond. Have you ever seen purest form of Iron or mineral? You need to separate them from their ores.

what made an element “think” that they can not stay unstable

This is what we call The Desire.

The desire to live is present in every atom present in this whole universe.
In the end, the desire to live kills (disorient) it inside outwards.

“Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.” -Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Star is made of irreplaceable Helium and Hydrogen. These two elements and various other substances are present in a star, but gravity is trying to crush the Star into the core. To survive in this constant near-death circumstance, the fusion of these two elements has to happen to push the Energy outward.

Eventually, the Star will run out of juice. Hence crushed to death. It is called a supernova.

Death of a massive star (Supernova)

Just like the Sun, we living beings have some irreplaceable organs whose sole aim is to make you sustain life until it fails, which happens definitely.

The matters desire to live has evolved this much so it can talk about consciousness and self-realization. Every matter holds “The Life”.

Who are you?

God’s tiny little Joke

which none of us can get

For him, we are just a group of Nanoparticles running towards something even smaller called money…




I love science and technologies. I love solving problems. If you liked my writeups come say hello